What is ‘Cultured Home’ about?

Hi, I’m Pratisha, founder and owner of Cultured Home. 

I have always been creative and from a young age,  for as long as i can remember i have always got a good kick out of colours, paint, art and home decor. 

Not so long ago i was expecting my firstborn and as every expectant parent does, my mind turned to decorating the nursery and preparing for a newborn. I love putting together an interior mood board, picking out the cot/crib, colours, soft furnishings and seeing how it all comes together on one page. My thoughts eventually turned to my culture and i realised I wanted an element of culture in my son’s life and the best place to start is at home and more importantly with the nursery. 

I set out looking for cultural interiors such as art, pictures, statues anything which integrated into the interior style and decor i had picked for the nursery and i hit a stumbling block. Admittedly i am one to follow the latest interior trends, colours and styles you often find on high streets and magazines and i just couldn’t find anything which 

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